A 'Dashboard Report' is one of the report type that can be created with a 'cflow' application.

 To create reports, login to the cflow application as an admin user.

Click on the icon 'Reports' from the left menu bar.

You will see a 'Reports Dashboard' which will give a count of the:

  • Total Workflows
  • Total No. of Dashboard Reports
  • Total No. of Table Reports
  • Total No. of Workflow w/o Reports

The 'Dashboard Report' will have three types of report included in it.

  • Dashboard Summary

  • Dashboard Graph

    • Dashboard Table

    We will take a closer look at how to add Dashboard Summary that can be displayed in the 'Dashboard Report' in this section.

    Click here to see how to add Dashboard Table and Dashboard Graph to your Dashboard Report.

    Dashboard Summary

    The 'Dashboard Summary' will display a summary of all the 'Datapoint Display Name' and its respective counts.

    This is done by defining the 'Rules for determining the value of Data Point' and by 'Specifying the conditions'.

    To configure a 'Dashboard Report' click on the link 'Dashboard Reports'.

    In the 'List of Reports' screen, click on the button 'Create' in the 'Dashboard Reports' section.

    On clicking the 'Create' button, you will land in the below screen.

    Select the 'Workflow' from the drop down and give a 'Name' and 'Description' for the workflow.

    Click on the 'Configure' button in the 'Dashboard Summary' section.

    In the below screen, give the 'Section Title', Datapoint Display Name' and 'Specify the Conditions' to create a 'Dashboard Summary'.

    To view the 'Dashboard Summary' report created, click on the icon 'Reports' form the left menu bar and 

    in the 'Reports Dashboard' screen, click on the link 'Dashboard Reports'.

    The 'Dashboard Reports' created under a workflow will be listed as shown below.

    Click on the name of the 'Report'.

    The below Dashboard report will be displayed and the in the ''Dashboard Summary' up to 6 Data points can be displayed.