Automatic Replacement of Keywords is yet another interesting and useful feature to 

customize emails in the cflow application. In the 'To' field and also in any part of the email content, 

we can use the 'Automatic Replacement of Keywords' feature.The field names used in the form

can be used as a keyword within 2 hashes before and after the word.

The value entered in the FORM in the GUI screen will be captured and substituted for this keyword in the email.

The below screenshot will show how this feature is used in the cflow product.

In the above scenario, email id entered against the label 'Developer Email' in the GUI screen, will be captured 

and substituted in the 'To' field in the email.

Similarly this is applicable for all the other fields which are used within 2 hashes before and after the keywords.

Click here to see the other Email customization options.